The Los Angeles Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association

Los Angeles Chapter Fellowship Programs

Fellowships for Professionals

To apply for a Los Angeles chapter fellowship, you must be a current member of AAJA and have at least one year of professional experience. You also must do the following:

1. Submit a cover letter stating, among other things, the professional and skills development seminar or workshop that you are attending or plans to attend; the cost for attending the seminar, whether the program is providing any financial support and, if so, how much; the reasons for attending the workshop or how the workshop will help your professional development; and your involvement with and service to the chapter or AAJA.

2. Submit a resume and copies of printed materials, such as brochures, about the seminar or workshop.

3. Submit a letter of recommendation from your employer. The letter must also state whether your employer will pay any portion of the cost for attending the seminar and, if so, how much of the cost.

4. Submit a letter confirming your registration in the program. If your decision to register in the program is contingent on approval of a fellowship stipend, you may submit such a letter after the application for a stipend has been approved. In either case, no stipend will be disbursed until the chapter’s receipt of a copy of such a letter.

Please send applications to chapter Jinah Kim @