AAJA’s National Convention is headed for Los Angeles in 2010, and members, we need you!
We’re looking to put on the best convention – combining both a look at our roots (LA is the birthplace for AAJA), vision for the future and to also have a little fun in the process.
So if you would like to get involved in this exciting event, please send an email to convention co-chair Darleene Powells: darleene @ gmail.com.
The preliminary convention committees set up include:
- Programming
- Fundraising
- Opening Reception
- Media Access Workshop
- Volunteers
- Silent Auction
- Scholarship Luncheon
- Social Events
- Publicity
- Marketing
- Hospitality
In your email, please indicate what area you would like to get involved in.
AAJA LA 2010 from WorldWise Productions on Vimeo.