2024 Trivia Bowl Rules
Here’s the 411

AAJA-LA developed, abides by and enforces the following International Trivia Bowl Federation
competition rules.

2024 Competition

Each team may have as many as 10 members. Once the competition begins, no substitutions are allowed. No one may sit at a team table except its 10 original designated players. Trivia Bowl XXVI will have five rounds of 15 questions each. The question categories are: 1) 2024 Current Events; 2) Politics, History, Literature; 3) 2024 Pop Culture; 4) Science, Tech, Geography; 5) Sports and California Living. David Ono, the emcee, will read aloud the questions. Sitting at their designated table, the members of each team work together to fill out the answer sheet. The emcee will read each question twice. Competitors are advised to write down the questions for their reference. The name of the team and its captain must be written on the answer sheet for each round. Failure to write the team name on the answer sheet can result in forfeiture of the entire question round. All answers must be legible and in English unless another language is specified. Answers must be spelled correctly and written on the exact line corresponding to the number of the question. Only one answer per question will be accepted unless more than one answer is clearly requested. When multiple answers are requested, all must be correct for the team to obtain the point. When a person’s name is requested, last names are acceptable unless first and last are specified. Phonetic spelling is acceptable unless the correct spelling is specified. There are no partial points for an answer. Once the emcee has read the 15th and final question of each round, teams have two minutes to complete their answer sheets. Room monitors will collect the sheets from team captains and take them to the Trivia Bowl judicial bench. Once an answer sheet is submitted, no changes are allowed.


After each round, the emcee will read aloud the questions and correct answers after game officials have collected the answer sheets. The judges will review and score the answer sheets during this time. Team scores and standings for each round will be posted on the scoreboard. The team with the highest score at the end of the fifth round wins possession for one year of the coveted perpetual Rice Cup trophy.


Any challenges to questions should be brought to the attention of AAJA-LA the by the team captain or a designated representative before the end of the evening competition. The game manager’s decision is final. No competitor may speak to the judges or scorekeepers.

Leaving the Team Table

No one who leaves a team table while a round is in progress will be allowed to return until the team submits its answer sheet. Please make all trips to the hospitality table, refreshment area or restroom between rounds.

Prohibition on Electronic Devices

The use of all electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptops, PDAs, cameras, video and audio spy devices, drones, etc.) is strictly prohibited while a competition round is in progress. If any such device is visible, game officials will request that it is put away. Any person who uses such a device must leave the team table and may not return to the game during that round. Game officials have the discretion to deduct as many as 10 points or an entire round from a team's score if any member violates this rule. Texting or tweeting about or livestreaming the event, including but not limited to @AAJATriviaBowl, is permitted only between competition rounds.

Printed Materials

No printed materials other than those provided and sanctioned by Trivia Bowl organizers and sponsors are allowed on the team table. Anyone caught using cheat sheets or notes will be subject to the same penalties regarding the improper use of electronic devices. Purses, bags, backpacks, briefcases and items containing printed materials must be placed on the floor.

Substitutions and Spectators

Team member substitution is prohibited at all times during the competition. Once the competition begins, a team may not replace an original player with another individual. If for any reason a player must leave the event, the team must proceed without that member. Game officials have the discretion to deduct as many as 10 points from a team’s score if such violations occur. During the competition, spectators may be present only in designated areas. Noncompeting spectators(including guests, chaperones and parents) may not stand near or approach the team table while around is in progress and until the team submits its answer sheet for that round. All communication, oral or otherwise, is prohibited between a team and spectators while a round is in progress. Game officials have the discretion to deduct as many as 10 points for violations.


If any teams are tied for any of the top three places in the overall standings after the end of the final round, “sudden death” will be used as a tiebreaker. The rules will be announced at the start of the competition.

Asian American Journalists Association. Los Angeles Chapter. Established 1981.