As a longtime editor and newsroom recruiter at the Los Angeles Times, Randy Hagihara focused on talent that others might have overlooked.
He did not give undue weight to schools that journalists attended, nor to impressive places they might have worked. In his no-nonsense but caring way, he offered advice and encouragement to student and early career journalists and directed promising applicants to hiring editors for entry-level jobs. He followed them as they gained experience, training and education and, when they were ready, he sought to open doors for them with major employers like The Times. Within his own organization, he tracked people he helped hire, talked with their supervisors and mentored rising talent. He pushed people to find new ways in which they could shine.
To honor Randy’s legacy, the Asian American Journalists Association – Los Angeles is announcing the Randy Hagihara Memorial Fund. The fund, established by Randy’s family, friends and former colleagues, will provide annual stipends to help Southern California journalists in need of financial support advance their careers with new job opportunities and skills training.
The funds could be used, for instance, to set up a personal website, subsidize expenses for journalism conferences or other skills-building programs, purchase professional attire or cover child care for parents on job interviews.
Applicants will be asked to describe their financial need and stipend spending plans. They also will be encouraged to pay it forward with volunteer service to AAJA. A memorial fund committee will select recipients and award the funds.
The program is open to all who align with AAJA’s mission of promoting AAPI journalists, diverse newsrooms and accurate community coverage.
Those wishing to honor Randy’s legacy may donate to the memorial fund in two ways:
Online via AAJA-LA: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=WLHNZS6YU22XC
Checks made out to AAJA-LA, with a notation “Randy Hagihara Memorial Fund.” Please send to 7214 E Mezzanine Way
Long Beach, CA 90808
For questions, please email us at aajalalosangeles@gmail.com