
The Los Angeles Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association

Nominations open for 2016 AAJA-LA Board

***Update 10/19/15: Deadline extended to Sunday, Oct. 25***

Link to 2016 AAJA-LA Board Nomination for Candidacy Form

We are writing in hopes that you will consider taking a leadership role in AAJA-Los Angeles as we recruit for a dynamic 2016 chapter board. We seek thoughtful, creative thinkers, those bursting with ideas but, even more important, the passion and energy to implement them. As a chapter, we host the popular V3 Conference (V3con) and Trivia Bowl, along with workshops on media access, networking, writing and more.

If you are ready to serve our membership of more than 100 professionals and students, we are ready to partner with you. The deadline to submit your name for this year’s ballot is 11:59 p.m. Pacific time Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015. The election will begin around Wednesday, Oct. 28, with the distribution to current members of an electronic ballot, and end at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015.

The following positions are open:

— President (one-year term)
— Vice president of broadcast (one-year term)
— Vice president of print (one-year term)
— Secretary (two-year term)
— Board of Directors members (three one-year terms and two two-year terms)
— National Advisory Board members (two two-year-terms)
— Student representative (appointed, one-year term)

Please read below for details on the positions open, job duties and the election timetable, and to find a link to the self-nomination form.

We thank you for your attention. Here’s hoping we’ll be able to join together to build our chapter and our multimedia skills in the coming year.

Questions? Please email: aajalalosangeles@gmail.com.


Connie K. Ho
AAJA-LA Secretary 2014-2015

Melissah Yang
AAJA-LA Treasurer 2015-2016


PRESIDENT: The president shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall, subject to the control of the board, have general supervision, direction and control of the business and officers of the corporation. S/he shall preside at all meetings of the membership and at all meetings. S/he will be the chief spokesperson and advocate of the local chapter, recruit members, direct organization of chapter events, oversee fundraising activities, and speak at public engagements when asked.

VICE PRESIDENT OF BROADCAST and PRINT: In the absence or disability of the president, the vice presidents in order of their rank, if any, as fixed by the board, shall perform all the duties of the president, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of, and be subject to, all the restrictions upon, the president. The vice presidents shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed for them respectively by the board under the AAJA bylaws. The vice presidents shall recruit and encourage journalists of their respective media to join AAJA, help lead the organization on planning of chapter events and act as top advocates for the chapter and their medium.

SECRETARY: The secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of minutes at the principal office or such other place as the board of directors may order, of all meetings of the directors and membership. Minutes shall include time and place of the meeting; whether regular or special, and if special, how authorized; the type of notice given; the name of those present at the directors’ meetings; the number of members present; and the proceedings of the meeting. S/he will advocate for the chapter, help plan chapter events and help recruit members.

BOARD MEMBERS: A board member will be informed about AAJA’s mission, services, policies, and programs; serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments. S/he will advocate for the chapter, help plan chapter events, help recruit members, and participate in fundraising activities. (All AAJA-LA board members are expected to take an active leadership role in the planning/execution of V3con and/or Trivia Bowl.)

NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER: A board member will be informed about AAJA’s mission, services, policies, and programs; serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments. S/he will advocate for the chapter, help plan chapter events, help recruit members, and participate in fundraising activities. (All AAJA-LA board members are expected to take an active leadership role in the planning/execution of V3con and/or Trivia Bowl.) Required to attend two National Advisory Board meetings a year.

[Appointed] STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE: The student representative is an appointed, voting board position that is open to student members of AAJA-LA. Although this is not an elected office, the Board of Directors requests nominations for consideration of this position. Outside of voting, the expectations and requirements for the student representative are the same as other board members.


Expectations and requirements for all officers and board members: The officers and board members will do their best to attend quarterly board and general membership meetings. All terms will begin Jan. 1, 2016. One-year terms will expire on Dec. 31, 2016; two-year terms will expire on Dec. 31, 2017. Additional expectations and requirements are to pay dues, be prompt and responsive to email correspondence, help plan and produce V3con, Trivia Bowl and other AAJA-LA events, lead or serve on at least one committee, lead or organize at least one chapter event per year and participate in fundraising activities.

For nominees: Please provide your contact information, a photo, a brief bio (50 words maximum) and a brief description (50 words maximum) of why you would like to run for office. You may submit your candidacy information using this form by no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific time Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015.

Only current full, gold or platinum members of AAJA-LA are eligible to run or vote for the open positions; all nominations are subject to eligibility verification.

Candidates may nominate themselves or be nominated by any other AAJA-LA member in good standing. Members who nominate others for an office should verify in their nomination that the nominee has confirmed his or her willingness to stand for election.

Those elected to new terms will serve with incumbent board members whose two-year terms will continue until the end of 2016:

Treasurer: Melissah Yang
2015-2016 Board Member: Anh Do
2015-2016 Board Member: Suzanne Kai
2015-2016 Board Member: Hassan Shah