HONOR ROLL LIST: Pioneers, past and present
Asian American Journalists Association Honor Roll ASIAN AMERICAN PIONEERS IN JOURNALISM REMEMBERING OUR ROOTS A pioneer is one who opens up an area or prepares a way. A pioneer is somebody who does something for the first time or is one of the first to reach a goal, a
PIONEER PHOTO: From the frontiers of Asian American journalism history
2010 was a banner year for AAJA-LA as host chapter of the 29th annual AAJA Convention in Hollywood. The 2010 convention, widely viewed as one of the best in AAJA’s history, honored for the first time in its 29 years, its Asian and Asian American Founders and Pioneers in U.S.
OPENING RECEPTION PHOTOS: A thousand camera angles, one historic night
2010 was a banner year for AAJA-LA as host chapter of the 29th annual AAJA Convention in Hollywood. The 2010 convention, widely viewed as one of the best in AAJA’s history, honored for the first time in its 29 years, its Founders and Asian American Pioneers in journalism as a
CREDITS: Opening Reception
Special thank you to all the individuals and companies who helped make AAJA’s 2010 Convention Opening Reception honoring its Founders and Asian American Pioneers in U.S. Journalism an historic event. AAJA 2010 Convention Opening Reception Committee: Leezel Tanglao, AAJA-LA Board member 2010, AAJA 2010 Convention Co-Chair, AAJA National Advisory Board
THE KOREA DAILY: Creating neighbors through news
INSIDE THE KOREA DAILY (video): By Uh Jin Lee, Hyung Chul Joo, Ann Lee Ann Lee, a member of AAJA-LA and a reporter at The Korea Daily, offers an inside look into The Korea Daily business operations. Executive leaders at the media company have made changes with the understanding that they
A RETURN TO HAITI: KABC-TV’s David Ono search for hope in despair
Ono reported from Haiti in January in the immediate aftermath of the 7.2 earthquake. He returned on the six-months anniversary to report on a dire situation across the country. KABC-TV anchor David Ono, who serves as vice president of broadcast for the LA Chapter, visited Haiti for six days in
AAJA-LA 2011 Chapter board!
Hello La Chapter!! Here are your candidates for the 2011 AAJA-LA Chapter board!! Are you a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of AAJA? Then make sure you vote! This year we only had one person run for each officer position. Vote your support for — or against — the
Calling for Nominations!!! — AAJA 2011 LA Chapter ELECTIONS
Greetings AAJA – LA Chapter!! We’re calling for nominations for the 2011 AAJA LA Chapter Board. Nomination DEADLINE: October 15th, 2010. Fresh from hosting one of the most successful AAJA conventions ever, the LA Chapter is now looking for interested, highly motivated people looking to give back to AAJA and take
#AAJA’S National #Convention in 140 characters
Check out what your colleagues were saying about the AAJA National Convention with this interactive feature, courtesy of Google Lab. Locate tweets by time, event, and date. Click here to see all the tweets from the four-day convention. Catch some useful links and commentary on the AAJA National Convention hosted in